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Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity

Building a world fit for future generations

Around the world we see stark reminders of increasing division within and between nations and a vacuum of moral leadership committed to addressing the root causes of democratic deficits. In this event, we explored how this generation of rising grassroots leaders are tackling our challenges through collective purpose, changing culture and policy, and how leaders from across the generations can support and amplify them. 

Full programme:

Welcome keynote: Shaping the Societies We Want
Dame Minouche Shafik
, Director of LSE

Panel 1: Leading for the future: robust action to combat climate change
Moderator: Danny Sriskandarajah, CEO of Oxfam GB
Gro Harlem Brundtland – former prime pinister of Norway and member of The Elders
Taylor Wilson – NewNow Leader, nuclear physicist and inventor
Farwiza Farhan – NewNow Leader and chair of HAkA Indonesia
Madhumitha ArdhanariAtlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity

Panel 2: The gender agenda: how women are leading and changing decision making
Moderator: Tanya CharlesAtlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity
Jaha Dukureh - NewNow Leader and founder of Safe Hands for Girls
Victor Ochen – NewNow Leader and founder of Africa Youth Initiative Network
Rukia Lumumba – Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity

Potent Whisper

Panel 3: Leading for a fair, digitally and economically inclusive world
Moderator: Uzo Iweala – NewNow Leader, CEO of The Africa Center
Aziz Alhamza – NewNow Leader and co-founder of Raqqa Is Being Silently Slaughtered
Roya Mahboob – NewNow Leader and founder of Digital Citizen Fund
Anjali SarkerAtlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity

Closing address: The collective courage of rising generations: fighting inequality and injustice
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón
, former president of Colombia and member of The Elders

Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland


Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland

Gro Harlem Brundtland was the first woman Prime Minister of Norway, serving for more than 10 years over three terms until 1996. Following this she was Director-General of the World Health Organization from 1998-2003 and UN Special Envoy on Climate Change from 2007-2010. She is a member of the Elders serving as Deputy Chair from 2013-2018, and is an Honorary Fellow of LSE.

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Juan Manuel Santos Calderón


Juan Manuel Santos Calderón

Juan Manuel Santos Calderón (@JuanManSantos) is the former President of the Republic of Colombia, serving two terms, from 2010 to 2018. Throughout his public sector career, President Santos has held important ministerial roles. He was Colombia’s first Foreign Trade Minister, has been Minister of Finance and before being elected President, was Minister for National Defence. In 2016 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He is a member of The Elders and a Honorary Graduate of LSE. President Santos studied for a Master of Science in the Department of Economics at LSE in 1975.

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Baroness Minouche Shafik


Baroness Minouche Shafik

Minouche Shafik is Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to this she was Deputy Governor of the Bank of England. An economist by training, Dame Minouche Shafik has spent most of her career straddling the worlds of public policy and academia. After completing her BSc in economics and politics at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, she took an MSc in economics at LSE before completing a DPhil in economics at St Antony’s College at the University of Oxford.

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Madhumitha Ardhanari AFSEE


Madhumitha Ardhanari

Madhumitha Ardhanari is an Atlantic Fellow for Social and Economic Equity and a climate and land justice advocate with nine years of experience coaching businesses and organisations to awaken agency and systemic leadership in the face of climate breakdown and various other long-term realities. She is also currently a doctoral candidate for a joint PhD programme inquiring into circularity in critical minerals and sediment extraction with the Universities of Exeter and Queensland. 

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Anjali Sarker AFSEE


Anjali Sarker

Anjali Sarker is an Atlantic Fellow for Social and Economic Equity and a social innovation expert and development practitioner with ten years of experience in leading projects that empower the underprivileged population, with a special focus on youth and women. She is currently the Programme Director of the Global Leadership Challenge at the University of Oxford. 

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Tanya Charles AFSEE


Tanya Charles

Tanya Charles is an Atlantic Fellow for Social and Economic Equity, a feminist activist, and a Senior Program and Impact Lead at the Atlantic Institute. In this role, she supports the work of fellows across the seven programmes by co-creating spaces and platforms for collective thinking around solutions which are not ahistorical and lift the socio-economic dimension.

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Banner Image: Photo by Cristina Cerda on Unsplash

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