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Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity

Senior Fellowship

AFSEE Fellowship is a lifelong journey. After the active fellowship year, Fellows start their Senior Fellowship journeys, where they have access to a variety of funding, initiatives, and collaborative projects to support their professional development, learning, and knowledge exchange, and to expand their networks. They join the AFSEE Senior Fellows community, which currently comprises of over 100 Senior Fellows, spanning six cohorts and over 50 countries. 

To hear our Fellows thoughts on Senior Fellowship,read Senior Fellow Anjali Sarker's recent blog 'Senior Fellowship: Continuing Quest for Equity and Justice' and watch the short video below where our Senior Fellows discuss their AFSEE journey highlights.

AFSEE's Lifelong Engagement

When Fellows join the AFSEE programme, they commit to doing so even after their active fellowship year ends, and for as long as the AFSEE programme exists. This commitment is embodied by AFSEE’s Lifelong Engagement approach for its Senior Fellows. AFSEE Senior Fellows continue to engage with the AFSEE programme and the wider AFSEE community through a variety of ways.


Senior Fellows are eligible to apply for a variety of individual funds to aid their work on tackling social and economic inequalities. These individual funds are designed to bolster their Connectivity, Participation, Professional Development, and Resilience.


Senior Fellows are encouraged to participate in the governance of the AFSEE programme. This can be either via serving as the Senior Fellows Representative on the AFSEE Governing Board or by participating on the AFSEE Programme Committee.

Learn more about AFSEE governance

Continuous learning

Senior Fellows continue to develop their knowledge via interactive webinars organised by the AFSEE programme team. In the past, we have held webinars on topics such as Participatory Action Research; Fundraising for Social Change; and An Introduction to Framing Narratives.

Community building

Senior Fellows continue to receive regular communications from the AFSEE team as well as community-building opportunities such as the AFSEE Town Halls, online cohort reunions, and the Leadership Summit.

Meet our Fellows


The AFSEE programme also continues to amplify the work of Senior Fellows via our social media channels and communication channels, the AFSEE blog, and through partnerships with the LSE, the Atlantic Fellows Community, and external partners.

Explore the AFSEE blog


Senior Fellows are encouraged to continue collaborating with the AFSEE programme and with other Senior Fellows through a variety of funded opportunities, including: the Academic-Practitioner Collaborations (AcPrac), the Atlantic Equity Challenge (AEQ), and the Incubation Labs.

Learn more about AFSEE projects

Elected politicians have failed in Peru – here’s what must come next

It’s not clear how the crisis in Peru will end but we can be certain that the next attempt at government will fail too unless it addresses wrongs that go back centuries, writes Rafael Barrio de Mendoza in his openDemocracy feature.

Indigenous marchers in front of the National Congress of Brazil

Fighting for their rights: Brazil at a crossroads(Opens in a new window)

Ahead of the Brazilian election, Indigenous and urban activists are fighting violence, injustice and inequality, writes Johnny Miller in his openDemocracy feature.

People protesting at a rally

How Brazil’s mothers helped Lula win the election(Opens in a new window)

A digital community once focused on the challenges of parenting became a unique space for political empowerment, writes Georgia Haddad Nicolau in her openDemocracy feature.

Image of houses on an island

How can we align our work with purpose to shape a sustainable world?(Opens in a new window)

In this LSE Shaping the World - feature, we speak with AFSEE Fellows Madhuresh Kumar, Amanda Young, and Sebastian Bock on why they came to work in the sustainability sector and the impact that they are having on the world.

Photo of a climate rally

How can we build inclusive and transformative movements for social change?(Opens in a new window)

In this LSE Shaping the World - feature, we speak with AFSEE Fellow Barbara van Paassen on what inspired her to create The People vs Inequality podcast as a space to reflect and learn how to fight inequality.

Images of Joan Jones and Oabona Sepora

In conversation with Atlantic Fellows and LGBTQ+ advocates Joan Jones and Oabona Sepora(Opens in a new window)

In this LSE Shaping the World - feature, we speak with AFSEE Fellows Joan Jones and Oabona Sepora about their experiences, achievements, and hopes for the future.

Kenyan activist Elizabeth Wathuti is among a wave of inspiring feminist climate leaders from the Global South

Why we need feminist leadership for climate justice(Opens in a new window)

Women from the Global South, who have long fought inequality, understand that radically different tools are needed to tackle the climate crisis, writes Barbara van Paassen in her openDemocracy feature.

Banner Image: Photo by Catarina Heeckt


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